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How to Contact Us...

    If you desire custom creations, please email us describing the item you are interested in having made, length of chain, color, and any other vital descriptions.  Then we will contact you regarding it's possibility.  Thank you!  




    If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, you can either email Rachel & Coni directly at our email listed, or you can fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. 

Contact Form

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Meet the Artists

© 2019 by DewDads Boutique. Proudly created with

Coni Dewey

Coni Dewey

Coni is the Mother of the team and is enjoying this opportunity to work alongside her daughter and utilize her artistic background to make some awesome jewelry.

Rugby our Kitty Mascot




Our Mascot

Rugby is an old boy who patiently sits outside the studio to greet us.  He never fails to bring a smile to our faces and adds a touch of class to our work space. 

Rachel Dewey Steinberger

Rachel Dewey




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Rachel is the daughter of this team and is always learning something new from her Mother, who is an accomplished artist.

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